This is the story of my first airplane; a 2007 Glasair Sportsman. My dream of owning a plane finally came true on June 1st, 2009, when I flew this wonderful bird from Asheville, NC to NY. This is my story.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Updating the Sportsman

Well, I finally dropped N9GZ over to Islip Avionics on the 13th of July to have the ARINC 429 module installed to bring the EFIS and auto pilot up to full functionality. Now, I knew this was not going to be as simple as just plugging the unit in but I was hoping for a fairly straight forward job. Tres at Islip Avionics was doing the work and he was eager to fiddle with the whole thing. Well, that's not all that needed to be done....

It turns out that the plane need to have the full IFR rectification done as it was past due. Somehow, I missed this fact during the pre-buy (it was clearly mentioned) Plus, the Garmins needed software updates as well. Ok, so it needs to be done. Gotta do it...

Anyway, to make a long story short, after a failed backup altimeter and shipments back and forth, along with endless software update for the EFIS, the plane was delivered back to the hanger yesterday. I hope to get back in the plane and fly it next week.